Datacomp has the nation’s largest database on manufactured home sales and manufactured home communities. This data, combined with our knowledge and expertise, provides accurate, comparable-based and community adjusted collateral values that will be a true asset for you and your partners and clients. [READ MORE]
Need field inspections or data about certain types of homes, specific communities or industry trends? With the largest database in the country of current home values and community ratings, and professionally trained inspectors, we provide unequaled expertise in reporting the condition of assets. [READ MORE]
From high-level national statistics, to detailed rent, occupancy and sales activity, Datacomp has the information the manufactured housing industry relies on to make informed decisions. We can provide the timely and comprehensive answers you need for success in today’s competitive housing market. [READ MORE]
We Are Manufactured Housing Specialists
Manufactured housing is our business – our only business. We understand its unique characteristics and complexities better than anyone, providing you and your business with a competitive advantage.

Comparable Sales
National Inspectors
Markets Nationwide

30 Years of Independent, Reliable, Market-Supported Insight
Datacomp is the nation’s largest, independent provider of manufactured and mobile home valuations, inspections and market data. We make your decision process safer, simpler and more cost-effective by ensuring you receive the most timely, accurate information available. All of the experience and knowledge Datacomp has compiled during its 30 years in the business is put toward being a reliable source of insight and stability for you.